A bouquet of alstroemeria, eucalyptus and chrysanthemum is a combination of sophistication and freshness. Alstromeria is a bright and delicate flower that will add a touch of romance to your bouquet. Eucalyptus is a symbol of freshness and purity and will give your bouquet a unique fragrance. Chrysanthemum is a classic flower that will always be relevant. The bouquet is made in light colours, which makes it light and airy. Such a bouquet will be a wonderful gift for any celebration or just a pleasant surprise for a loved one.
in_stock_confirmed aujourd'hui
Alstroemeria and Chrysanthemum Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 1.77 5bonus
Eucalyptus - 5 pce Chrysanthemum - 3 pce packaging - 4 pce alstroemeria mix - 5 pce ruban de satin - 1 pce
- Largeur - 30 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
A bouquet of alstroemeria, eucalyptus and chrysanthemum is a combination of sophistication and freshness. Alstromeria is a bright and delicate flower that will add a touch of romance to your bouquet. Eucalyptus is a symbol of freshness and purity and will give your bouquet a unique fragrance. Chrysanthemum is a classic flower that will always be relevant. The bouquet is made in light colours, which makes it light and airy. Such a bouquet will be a wonderful gift for any celebration or just a pleasant surprise for a loved one.
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Orlando Pobre
Cette semaine
Cette semaine
J'ai reçu une plante complètement différente, moins chère
Janvier 2025