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Indulge in the enchanting allure of our Charming Elegance bouquet, a perfect blend of sophistication and whimsy. This exquisite arrangement features alstroemerias, delicate white santini chrysanthemums, and luxurious Ecuadorian peony roses, all artfully combined with the charming touch of tanacetum. Each bloom is carefully selected to create a harmonious and visually stunning display. Wrapped in designer paper and adorned with a satin ribbon, the Charming Elegance bouquet is not only a feast for the eyes but also a heartwarming gift for any occasion. Whether youre celebrating a special moment or simply wishing to brighten someones day, this bouquet embodies grace, beauty, and a touch of magic. Let the captivating charm of these flowers bring joy and elegance to your loved ones.
Charming Elegance
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 2.7 bonus puanı
Satin ribbon - 3 adet Alstroemeria - 3 adet tanacetum - 2 adet design packaging - 1 adet santini white - 3 adet peony roses ecuador - 3 adet
- Genişlik - 34 cm
- Yükseklik - 50 cm
Joie fleuriste
Indulge in the enchanting allure of our Charming Elegance bouquet, a perfect blend of sophistication and whimsy. This exquisite arrangement features alstroemerias, delicate white santini chrysanthemums, and luxurious Ecuadorian peony roses, all artfully combined with the charming touch of tanacetum. Each bloom is carefully selected to create a harmonious and visually stunning display. Wrapped in designer paper and adorned with a satin ribbon, the Charming Elegance bouquet is not only a feast for the eyes but also a heartwarming gift for any occasion. Whether youre celebrating a special moment or simply wishing to brighten someones day, this bouquet embodies grace, beauty, and a touch of magic. Let the captivating charm of these flowers bring joy and elegance to your loved ones.
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