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Red Roses Bouquet: Luxury Royal Roses Flower Basket Make a grand statement of love with the Red Roses Bouquet. Featuring a classic arrangement of 350 premium Red Naomi Roses, this luxurious flower basket is the epitome of timeless romance. With a generous diameter of 120cm and wrapped in elegant red paper, it is the perfect centerpiece for significant occasions and long-lasting memories. Whether it’s an anniversary, a romantic celebration, or a gesture of love, the ‘Red Roses Bouquet’ ensures unforgettable moments. Each rose is carefully selected for its beauty and freshness, creating an arrangement that exudes luxury and elegance.
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 80.7 bonus puanı
roses naomi - 350 adet
- Genişlik - 130 cm
- Yükseklik - 120 cm
Red Roses Bouquet: Luxury Royal Roses Flower Basket Make a grand statement of love with the Red Roses Bouquet. Featuring a classic arrangement of 350 premium Red Naomi Roses, this luxurious flower basket is the epitome of timeless romance. With a generous diameter of 120cm and wrapped in elegant red paper, it is the perfect centerpiece for significant occasions and long-lasting memories. Whether it’s an anniversary, a romantic celebration, or a gesture of love, the ‘Red Roses Bouquet’ ensures unforgettable moments. Each rose is carefully selected for its beauty and freshness, creating an arrangement that exudes luxury and elegance.
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Kasım 2024 • Google maps yorumu
Dear Manakin Fleurs, I want to take a moment to sincerely thank you for the absolutely breathtaking flower arrangement you created for me. The combination of soft pinks, delicate whites, and pastel tones is simply perfect and exceeded all my expectations. The bouquet is truly a work of art and has brought so much joy and elegance to my place. I will certainly be recommending your services to anyone looking for beautiful, high-quality flowers 💐 Once again, thank you for bringing so much beauty into my day☀️ Warm regards, Oksana
Kasım 2024 • Google maps yorumu
The best, will recommend to everyone!
Kasım 2024 • Google maps yorumu
Manakin Fleur it is amazing company with great staff and beautiful bouquets! If you plan an event in South France be convinced to reach them ! Recommended 😍
Kasım 2024 • Google maps yorumu
I made an order with Manakinfleurs for a friend , The flowers were just beautiful, everything I wanted and more . Your team were so friendly and did such an amazing job ! Thank you
Kasım 2024 • Google maps yorumu
Wonderfull team and high service.
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